The Sipping Seder
Maror Cocktail Chazeret Cocktail Charoset Cocktail Karpas Cocktail Z'roa Cocktail Beitzah Cocktail


Here are a couple of print-ready documents to help you host The Sipping Seder on your own.
The Sipping Seder Recipes

Recipe GuideDownload PDF

This sheet lists the ingredients and step-by-step instructions for each of The Sipping Seder cocktails. Be sure to keep it on hand if you plan to mix up these drinks during the holiday season.

The Sipping Seder Menu

Cocktail Menu Download PDF

Provide this menu to guests who join you for The Sipping Seder. It includes a brief description of the cocktails and a note about the origin of each item on the seder plate. The document contains two copies of the menu on a single sheet. Simply print and cut in half.

The Sipping Seder Menu

Media Assets Download ZIP (12 MB)

High-resolution copies of our cocktail photos, illustrations, logo, and a press photo of the authors.